Hostaway API Documentation


  • Document will have portal, plugin settings, each, and everything to setup
  • The basic setup instructions for each PMS, any settings to amend in the portal, what is pulled, what can be changed, any maintenance, etc.
  • In a word format and tom can then create it on site as a docs
  • We might need to use screenshots as well


  • Introduction
  • Portal 
  • Add Listings 
  • Add Calendar / Availability
  • Add Reservations
  • Cancel Reservations
  • API Integration
  • Credentials Required 
  • Endpoints 
    • All listings 
    • Single listing 
    • Reservations (Create/Cancel) 
    • Prices (Extra guest fee, daily price, Taxes, Discounts)
    • Availability (Min stay, Available)
  • Missing Endpoints
  • Manual sync all or single listing
  • Auto Sync settings
  • Website Settings
  • Plugin Settings 
    • Overriding 
    • Cronjobs (Enable/Disable)
  • Customization 
  • Auto Registration 
    • Path of files for custom code.
  • Gateways
  • Stripe
  • Options on theme settings
  • Path of files for custom code.
  • Code
  • Child Theme.
  • API Plugin.

1. Introduction 

Hostaway API

Hostaway helps you grow your property management business by automating and streamlining every aspect of your business.

2. Portal 

Add Listings

Add Calendar / Availability

Add Reservations

Cancel Reservations

Booking Engine:

  1. API key created from here.

3. API Integration 

Credentials Required

  1. Client ID ( Account Id used as client id )
  2. Client Secret ( API key used as client secret )
  3. Channel ID ( For creating booking on portal )

Client ID & Client secret are required to GET Token for all requests.


API Doc:

  1. Get Token

  1. GET Listings
  1. GET Single Listing

  1. GET Property Types

  1. GET Prices & Availability

  1. Create Reservation

  1. Cancel Reservation{reservationId}/statuses/cancelled

Missing data

  1. All data is coming from API

Manual sync options 

  1. All Data sync 

  1. Single listing sync (Go single listing edit page)

Auto Sync Settings

  1. Plugin Setting page (Go to Listings > Settings)
  2. View existing auto schedules 
  3. Can enable/Disable each auto sync by clicking checkbox under Action Column. 

4. Website Settings

Plugin Settings

  1. Plugin Setting page (Go to Listings > Settings)
  2. Enter required API credentials 

  1. Override options
  2. You can enable / disable override settings for API data.

  1. Can view and enable/disable Auto Syncs. 

5. Customization

Auto Registration

Changes for auto registrations module are in following files. 

  1. homey-child\template-parts\boostly-modal-register.php
  2. homey-child\template-parts\instance-booking\nightly.php
  3. plugin\hostaway\assets\js\hostaway.js
  4. plugin\hostaway\hostaway.php

6. Gateways


Changes regarding stripe to Hostaway reservation are in the following files.

  1. theme\homey-child\template-parts\instance-booking\nightly.php
  2. plugin\hostaway\hostaway.php
  3. plugin\hostaway\assets\js\hostaway.js
  4. plugin\hostaway\classes\class-stripe.php

Homey theme settings to enable / disable Stripe gateway

7. Code

Child Theme

Path: theme\homey-child

API Plugin

Path: plugin\hostaway

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